In case you are new to the governance side of things with WAGGGS, like I am, here is a glossary of terms to make things easier to understand. Please refer here to clarify anything mentioned in upcoming posts.
Associate Members: Organizations who are in the process of developing their programs sufficiently to be given full membership within WAGGGS. Have limited voting powers. Ratified at World Conferences.
Bye-Laws: The document that contains the rules that govern the functions of the organization.
Constitution: The document that describes the organization and its purposes.
Full Members: Organizations who have met the conditions of membership within WAGGGS. Have full voting powers. Ratified at World Conferences.
GGC: Girl Guides of Canada. The national Guiding organization in Canada.
Governance: The manner of governing WAGGGS, as set out in the constitution and bye-laws.
MO: Member organization. There are currently two types of member organizations within WAGGGS, associate members and full members.
Quota: The fee that each MO pays to remain a part of WAGGGS.
Regions: The geographical area containing a set of MOs. There are five regions, Africa, Arab, Asia Pacific, Europe and Western Hemisphere. GGC is a part of the Western Hemisphere region.
Strategic Plan: The document that outlines the vision, mission and goals for the upcoming triennium (three-year period) until the next World Conference. Written by the World Board.
Triennial Report: The document that outlines what has been done during the last triennium (three-year period). Written by the World Board.
WAGGGS: World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. The governing organization of all the MOs.
World Board: The elected members that oversee WAGGGS and make decisions on behalf of the MOs between World Conferences. There are seventeen members of the World Board, including six continuing board members, six new board members and five regional board members (one for each region). Board members are elected at each World Conference and serve for a total of six years. There is currently a Canadian Guider on the World Board, Jill Zelmanovits.
World Conference: The triennial (every three years) conference for the MOs to make decisions on the future of the organization. Run by the World Board of WAGGGS.
Now that you are up to speed, keep checking out the blog for updates. You can also find out what is happening at the 35th World Conference by following the hashtag #35WoCo on Twitter!
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