Sunday, July 6, 2014

Meet the Delegation!

It is Sunday night and we have completed our first official day of the 35th WAGGGS World Conference in Hong Kong and wanted to start off by introducing the delegation. There are six members to our Canadian delegation, but many more friendly Canadian faces around in various other capacities, not to mention all of the wonderful people we are meeting every single minute of the conference!

The GGC delegation (left to right): Jackie, Deborah, Sharron, Carla, Lauren and Pamela.
Sharron Callahan is the Chief Commissioner and our "fearless leader," as Deborah put it. Sharron is looking forward to seeing what our member organizations all have in common. Sharron always feels very humbled at this type of event because she can really see how privileged we are as an organization in Canada.

Carla Lyon is our Deputy Chief Commissioner - Governance and here to support us with all of her experience. She is looking forward to meeting the delegates, as well as the other committee and board members attending the conference.

Deborah Del Duca is the Chief Executive Officer of the Girl Guides of Canada and at the conference to bring back what she learns to our organization. She is looking forward to reconnecting with people she has met in the past and seeing how they have advanced within Guiding.

Pamela Rice is the Chief Commissioner - Elect and here to learn the ropes for when she takes over from Sharron. Pamela is looking forward to getting a better sense of WAGGGS on the global scale and seeing how GGC fits in to the global picture. She is also hoping to hear about the challenges other organizations are facing.

Jackie Perry is an Area Commissioner in Newfoundland and attending the conference to learn more about what pathways are available in continuing her Guiding experience. She is looking forward to bringing her experiences at the conference back home and sharing the global context of GGC with other Guiders and girl members.

Lauren Patrick is the Under 30 representative and taking the lead on social media for the conference. She is looking forward to learning about the opportunities for young women within WAGGGS and meeting some of the organization's current and future leaders.

We have had an action-packed day today between sessions, orientation, opening ceremonies and the banquet, so we are all off to get some sleep before getting an early start tomorrow!

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